I know this isn't cake related, but I just had to have this on my blog. This is a new documentary that my cousin Denny directed and produced about the Wrecking Crew, which my uncle was a part of.
Growing up, I always knew Uncle Tom was this great guitar player and played for so many well known musicians, but whenever I would tell anyone about him, they had no idea who he was. I didn't understand. I remember telling people that he was the one who played the Pink Panther music and the Bonanza theme song. To me that was HUGE!!!! I had no idea of the extent of his career and the impact my uncle and the other musicians of the Wrecking Crew had on the music industry. Everytime my mom would hear his music on the radio, she'd turn it up and tell us "Do you hear that? That's Uncle Tom playing the guitar." I just didn't understand why my friends didn't know who he was since he played music for the Beach Boys and we all listened to them. I never understood why his name was not on the back of the record cover or why he wasn't in the picture on the front of the cover. As I got older I started to understand, but it wasn't until recently, thanks to Denny, that I started to understand it fully. I am so proud of my cousin for sticking with this project he started back in 1995. If it weren't for him, The Wrecking Crew would remain virtually unknown and unrecogonized. This really is a story that needed to be told.
I haven't seen the film yet as it hasn't been released yet. I been aired at selected Film Festivals and is receiving an enormous amount of positive press and tons of awards. If you want to see this film after viewing the following clip and reading the full story at my cousin's website, www.wreckingcrewfilm.com, please sign up on the email list on his site. The more people that sign up, the better chance he has of getting this film released.
Here is a media piece on the new film 'The Wrecking Crew'. It's the biggest Pop Band you never heard of....
For the complete article in Contra Costa Times, click here
To visit the official "Wrecking Crew" films website, click here